eMule is also completely free of any Adware, Spyware, and etc.
eMule's Queue and Credit system helps to ensure that everyone will get the file he wants by promoting those that upload back to the network.
Kad is now in an open testphase, eMule v0.42 can be enabled to use Kad.
Clients use several networks to create one reliable network.
Very popular files (new releases) and generally files with a low number of sources or bad part spreading also cause low download rates. Wrong settings in eMule (wrong limits, too many connections), a low ID and a short sessions durations have a bad impact on download speed. Some factors that influence the download speed: Which means you are able to connect to official eDoneky2000 clients and visa-versa usign eMule. EMule is a filesharing client based on the eDonkey2000 protocol.